31Dec 2018




How to Configure WordPress for SEO

How to Configure WordPress

Configure WordPress

Having you been facing puzzles with your WordPress blog, not getting SEO Optimized on the World Wide Web? I will undoubtedly show you how to Configure WordPress for SEO in this post.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way to get your site discovered by the search engines. Search Engine Optimized permalinks are one of the key features that actually always show up in the results pages of all the search engines. Making them meaningful and descriptive is a must. Unluckily, out of the box, the WordPress URL structure uses the query string post identifier format. For compatibility factors, it is the default because it works across the board on various platforms and servers.

Let’s assume you were given a choice in a search engine results page between these two URLs,




which would you choose? The choice is pretty obvious. With the second option, the visitor or potential visitor would already have an idea of what to find by engaging with the site. This descriptive address aides with search engines and click-throughs because the shrewd web user knows to look in the status bar of his browser to see the target site.

Here are some tips you may utilize to Configure WordPress for SEO and make your site more Search Engine friendly:

  1. Customize the Permalinks

Each WordPress blog post is assigned its own web page, and the URL of that page is a permalink. Posts that you see in WordPress blogs usually have the post permalink in four typical areas:

  • The Title of the blog post

  • The Comments link below the post

  • A Permalink that appears (in most themes) below the post

  • The Titles of post in a Recent Posts sidebar

WordPress creates the permalink mechanically after you publish a brand new post. However, you can easily customize how your Permalinks look by clicking on ‘Settings’ tab, and then ‘Permalinks’ menu. The permalink settings page opens up immediately. You find several options for creating permalinks like Day and Name, Month and Name, Numeric, Post Name, Custom Structure.

You may then customize it as domain.com/category/postname. Your blog post category and title will then be visible in the URL, which is preferable to a long numeral series.

  • Add a Comprehensive SEO Pack

Almost every website owner is concerned about SEO. Good SEO practices facilitate the foremost search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and Bing) simply notice and cache your site content in their search databases so that when people search exploitation keywords, they can find your site in the search results. The All in One SEO Pack plugin helps you fine-tune your site to create that happen; it mechanically creates optimized titles and generates markup language keywords for your individual posts and pages.

If you’re a novice, this plugin works for you right out of the box with no advanced configuration. If you’re a sophisticated user, you can fine-tune the All in One SEO settings to your liking.

  • Images Missing Alt and Title Text

Images will be aligned left, right, or center, and can include captions as well as alternative (ALT) text. It’s easy to imbed audio and video files from alternative sites into your content—just paste the URL as you edit, and when your post or page is published, the address will be replaced with the suitable media player.

Alt and Title Text is a very easy attempt to give search engines a further understanding of what is going on with your site

  • Thin or Duplicate Content Issues

If a website lacks quality or many pages contain the same content, such site will be penalized by search engines. Each page should contain at least 500 words of unique content. Duplicate content is very bad to your site as search engines may not display both pages because they are forced to choose which of the contents is original, or most relevant version.

The only way to change duplicate contents for a WordPress site is simply by changing the contents entirely and make sure that no content is duplicated across your because by correcting such, you are only jeopardizing your opportunities of getting a high ranking with search engines as is the goal of every site owner.

  • Keyword Stuffing

A well optimized web page uses specific keywords that relate to the content on the page. Search engines account for things like keyword relevancy and density. If your content isn’t related to the keywords on your page or if you are stuffing your page with lots of keywords and nothing else, search engines will catch on and your pages could be poorly ranked.

Repeatedly using the same keywords is another factor looked down upon by search engine. Yes, they want you to use keywords, but they want you to use them appropriately. One metric to avoid keyword stuffing is by using Keyword density. Keyword density is the ration of keywords to the rest of the content on the page. Examples of Keyword density tools are SEOBook, Small SEO Tools, SEO Centro.

  • Spammy Links

A site riddled with external links to spammy websites or if a domain is being spammed on other websites, search engines will negatively rank the site. Websites that have been flagged for piracy or other infractions will also see a drop in rankings. As a rule of thumb, don’t go around spamming your link on other sites or linking to sketchy sites with zero authority.

  • Title Tags

The title component of a page is supposed to be an accurate, concise description of a page’s content. It’s critical to both user experience and in Configuring WordPress for SEO. As title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, following best practices for title tag creation makes for terrific low-hanging SEO result. The following recommendations cover the critical parts of optimizing title tags:

  • Be mindful of length

  • Place important keywords close to the front

  • Leverage branding

  • Consider readability and emotional impact

Aside these tips on how to Configure WordPress for SEO, your WP blog must be hosted on a SECURED and TRSUTED server that offers you a 24/7 support, both technically and customer service and that’s why we are here for you.

Contact us at Media4Host today and be sure to have a SEO-friendly WordPress site!

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